Monday, March 24, 2014

Jasper, This is How You Remind Me

Yesterday on my way to Greenbelt I saw Jasper at the overpass holding hands with his wife. Jasper was this guy from HR who facilitated the onboarding when I first joined this company. Funny, smart, articulate, he is also nice and not bad looking. I developed a crush on him and I was not alone. Other guys couldn't disagree, they don't have anything bad to say about the dude. We all know he is likeable. He has left the company for quite some time now but the thought of him still makes me dreamy. Discounting the fact that he has a wife, which by the way I didn't know at first, he was the kind of guy who would make a girl want to be good. A party girl would want to just stay at home, watch after his dog and read . All these while waiting for him to come home. Then she would feed him dinner, his favorite by the way, which she has worked hard to learn.

This is worth mentioning because its refreshing to remember how it feels to be attracted to a guy. Relationships and dating has been disappointing for me I just lost interest. It's like surfing. It's cool and fun to think about and it makes you excited. So you buy some surfing outfit, hop on to some surfing destination and then actually surf. Then reality hits you. It's not as easy as it looks like. It takes a lot of practice. You would fall many times but it's part of it. You would have to endure the heat of the the sun until you're not willing to be burnt any further. So you give up on trying and just go back to your cottage where it's not as fun, but atleast it's comfortable. You kind of accept that it's not for you. You're less experienced and not as adventurous for this. That's what happened to me and dating.

Right now I am not really looking for someone, but I thought maybe if I meet someone interesting enough, like Jasper, or Ben Schwartz, I might not be able to help myself. 

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