Sunday, April 05, 2009

Happy Thoughts

TL Chester noticed that if we are in a good mood, it reflects in our performance. So just like Adam Sandler in Happy Gilmore, maybe we can think of our own "happy place" to brighten up our moods.

Languange coach AJ made me write all my spiels in a paper (How may I help you today?, etc) and to remind me to smile always, he asked me to put a smiley after each sentence. =) Naweirdohan ata siya sa smiley ko because he asked, "do you smile like that, sideways?" (AHAHAHAHA. I really thought that was funny).

The past 2 months have not been really good. The internship adjustment is hard already, and my stats didnt really cooperate to make it worst. And not to mention I am having a tough time doing ministry. I only survive because God is good.

But during the times that I get so down, and yeah, I would end up crying, there is this "happy thought" that would not fail, yeah, never fails to make me smile. If I start to dwell on that thought, my mind is slowly leaving this body and start flying to happy land. And I can totally relate to how Colbie Calliat's feeling in her song "Bubbly". Then I would start convincing God, that this makes me happy talaga and sana, one day, He'll grant me my heart's desire.

I dropped by GenCon again one time, and the word for that day was about Christian's being a messenger of hope to this pessimistic world. Two pessimists met daw and instead of shaking hands, they shook their heads. =) Now there was this guy who is starting to get bald, but there was a kid who was so optimistic, instead of thinking the guy was losing his hair, he was just gaining face. HAHA. Cute.

I notice I look better in photos if I wasnt smiling. Walang wala eh, pang high fashion kasi yung mukha ko, mas maganda pag serious. Now why do I post those silly smiling shots? Mababaw kasi ako at kayang-kaya akong patawanin nang walang effort. And I am thinking, that is how I look like most of the time. Yeah, I'm bungisngis and I LOL-K-LOL, (laugh out loud kung laugh out loud). The pastor said that Christians should be bringing sunshine to overcome the darkness of this world. I think it would be nice to be Little Miss Sunshine. Haay, but because I was gifted with a melancholic temperament, I am naturally negative. So, it takes an effort to be positive, and I am getting better at it I think. Sometimes, the "happy thoughts" help.

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