Monday, March 10, 2008

-Joyce Meyer, from her book Beauty for Ashes

Jesus loves me, this I know.He loves me unconditionally.
THEREFORE: His love for me is based on who He is.
THEREFORE: I have not earned His love, nor can I earn His love.
THEREFORE: I cannot be separated from His love.When I obey Him, He will bless me.When I disobey Him, there will be consequences for my behavior.He may not like my behavior, but he always loves me.
THEREFORE: Since I have experienced God's love, I know I am lovable.
THEREFORE, since I know that God loves me, I am able to believe that there are people who could love me, too.
THEREFORE, I am able to trust people who genuinely love me.
THEREFORE, I am able to accept the love that those people give to me.
THEREFORE, since my most basic need for love and sense of self-worth have been met by God, I don't need to be "fixed" by other people.
THEREFORE, although I have needs that I look to other people to meet, I believe those needs are balanced and God-given (i.e., companionship, affection, fun). I try to be honest in assessing those needs and in asking for what I need.
THEREFORE, I expect other people to be honest with me. I can handle criticism or confrontation if it is done with love.
THEREFORE, since I know that I am God's special and unique creation, I know that the love I have to give is valuable.
THEREFORE, I don't feel that I have to "perform" for other people. They will either love me for who I am or they won't. It is important for me to be loved for who I am.
THEREFORE, I am able to get my mind off of what others are thinking ABOUT ME and focus on other people and THEIR NEEDS.
THEREFORE, I am able to sustain a healthy, loving, lasting relationship.

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